
Content Marketing for Absolute Beginners

 The Content Marketing (CM) Ecosystem Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action [1]. Why is CM so important today? [2] Content is a fundamental part of all  forms  of marketing. Today,  93 percent  of companies prioritize delivering relevant content when and where a person is most likely to see it. This is because content is an effective way to reach prospective buyers and drive revenue. Establishing a regular cadence of blog posts, white papers, videos, ebooks, and other content can help prospective buyers understand how your products and services can solve their problems. It also helps you build loyalty and retention with existing customers. A strategic content program can lead to market leadership and real business growth. Content marketing is particularly important in B2B where buying is com